.. _push: Model Repository ================ Lab uses minio to store Projects. `Minio `_ is a high performance distributed object storage server, designed for large-scale private cloud infrastructure. This makes it a great fit as a storage environment for multiple Lab Projects and Experiments. Lab makes it trivial to back up completed Projects and share them across teams. .. image:: _static/lab-uml.png :height: 500 px :width: 800 px :scale: 100 % Configuring minio server ------------------------ There are a number of ways to `install minio `_ on a wide range of operating systems. See more details installation instructions in minio documentation pages. Setting up Lab minio interface ------------------------------ Once minio is up and running, you will need to make a note of the ``endpoint``, ``access key``, and ``secret key``. Lab supports multiple minio configurations through a convenient tagging system. Each configuration can be set up through CLI: .. code-block:: bash lab config minio --tag [MINIO_TAG] -- endpoint [TEXT] --accesskey [TEXT] --secretkey [TEXT] Note that the endpoint is simply an IP address and port of a minio host, e.g. ````. Storing Lab Projects -------------------- Lab Projects can be pushed to a specific minio host by running a simple command from the Project root folder: .. code-block:: bash lab push --tag [MINIO_TAG] --bucket [TEXT] . Here, ``--tag`` specifies a nickname of an exisiting minio connection and ``--bucket`` refers to a unique destination name on minio host, analogous to an S3 bucket. Each project contains a `.labignore` file that specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore during a push. A default `.labignore` will omit the virtual environment directory `.venv`. Further omitions can be specified on each line: .. code:: .venv data experiments/abcdefgh/model.joblib Pruning remote repository ------------------------- Sometimes it may be desirable to prune a remote repository. Pruning simply replaces the entire content of a remote repository with local files. The user is warned just before proceding, as this operation can have undersirable consequences. .. code-block:: bash lab push --tag [MINIO_TAG] --bucket [TEXT] --force . Pulling from a remote repository -------------------------------- To retrieve a Lab Project from a minio host, run a simple command from folder into which you'd like to pull the Project: .. code-block:: bash lab pull --tag [MINIO_TAG] --bucket [TEXT] --project [TEXT]. In cases where connection with minio has already been establish, a project can be pushed/pulled directly from the project directory via ``lab push`` or ``lab pull`` without further options.